Orthopedic Case Study
Name: Bogart
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Sex: Male, Neutered
Weight: 92.3

About Bogart
Lifestyle: Family pet, lives on many acres of land and free to roam
Family history: Owner acquired as a puppy, no previous health concerns
Bogart presented on 7/12/19 as acutely non-weight bearing on left hindlimb. Bogart was let outside the night before and returned non-weight bearing but seemed non-painful to the touch for the owner. Physical exam revealed pain response in left stifle, medial buttress bilaterally but worse in the left. Otherwise, the physical exam was within normal limits. At owner’s approval, radiographs were performed. No sign of bone tumor or fracture was seen. Mild degenerative changes noted bilaterally. Obvious muscle atrophy in left hind limb.
Ruptured Cruciate Ligament
Manage pain and referred to specialist for surgical repair
Carprofen 100mg – 1 tablet by mouth every 12 hours
Gabapentin 600mg – 1 tablet by mouth every 12 hours
Bogart underwent a Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
(TPLO) surgery that was performed by Board Certified Veterinarian Rebecca Essig on July 17, 2019. Following surgery, Bogart was referred to Michiana Animal Rehabilitation to complete Physical Rehabilitation.
Post Surgery
Post surgical rehabilitation consisted of the following:
Laser therapy 3 times a week (on average) as needed for about 3 months. This is combined with cryo-therapy and low impact therapeutic exercise.
After approximately 3 months, once weekly Physical Rehabilitation visits were added to the protocol. Physical Rehabilitation included the following:
- Land Treadmill work
- Range of Motion and weight shifting
- Movement over Cavaletti rails
Total number of visits: 36
Get Started
Ready to get started? You can schedule a consultation for your pet using our online form.
P: (574) 825-9578
F: (574) 825-5736
[email protected]
515 East Warren Street
Middlebury, IN 46540
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